Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama's Promise to Close Guantanamo

I am dumbfounded by the seemingly obtuse chants heard 'round the world for "Change". So many people seem to have no clue what they want, but rather that they want something different. Has anyone taken the time to think what that 'different' will be like? I don't know what the future of America will be like should President Obama succeed in making all the changes he promised during his campaign, but I will say that I am fearful. In my youth, I was never much of a student of history, or maybe even much of a student, but it took graduating college for me to develop what has since turned into an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and information. In the last 5 years I have spent an increasing amount of time educating myself on history, politics, news, the point that an exciting morning for me is drinking coffee while the news is on TV, reading the newspaper (anxiously awaiting the crossword puzzle usually found on page A5 of the local paper) and following it up with some talk radio (oh, and I dvr Jeopardy).
I say that to say that I am by no means an expert on any of these talking points; rather, an interested and concerned citizen of the United States of America. On that note, my observations as of late lead me to believe that many of the crucial things that this country was founded on, seem to be going by the wayside. I'm not saying our founders hit every nail on the head, but there is something to be said that America was able to achieve it's greatness in a relatively short period of time.
Is closing Gitmo a good idea? I don't know. Is waterboarding and other questionable methods of interrogation good? Probably not. Are they necessary? I think so. Does America have enemies? Unquestionably. Will those hate-filled enemies stop planning attacks on us and just talk nice? Doubtful.
I want America to be successful. I want the economy to be strong again. I want citizens to experience equal rights. I want truth, justice, freedom, liberty, faith and the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness. Am I saying I have the answers on how to obtain these things? No. But as a self-proclaimed skilled observationalist, I will say that it doesn't seem like the increasing majority knows WHAT they want. It seems more like an increasing majority just wants to find a way to take away something from someone else...even if it's their own country.


  1. You need some pictures...

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Good point..

    Our founding fathers were brilliant men. They established a great culture that has taught us to strive. It seems like lately, America is almost not proud of our country or culture anymore. This is not good.. The more we change, the more we change our culture. And though times and things may be different, we shouldn't forget who we really are and what we really believe.

    Why change what made us the strongest country in the world? We're in a recession, but we've been there before and come back successfully.

    I think that all of the people wanting change don't understand (and don't consider history) that most of the changes Obama is wanting to make have been tried in the past and failed. Not just in our governments, but others too. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I think we're going insane...

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I disagree that those of us who want change do not understand that some of Obama's proposed changes have in fact been attempted to no avail in the past (or that we "don't consider history). You say they call it "insanity" to do the same thing over and over again. Well, they also say that history repeats itself, and what are we to do if not to learn from it and improve our methods for accomplishing goals that will ultimately benefit our country? Just because someone else hasn't been able to succeed in accomplishing something does not mean that it should not be attempted in more innovative ways. Not to mention the fact the main reason some of the things Obama seeks to address have failed because of a direct correlation to the glitches inherent in our system of politics...not because they weren't good ideas.
    So yes, our founding fathers were brilliant, and of course we should not forget who we are and the principles upon which our country was founded. Nevertheless, things just aren't the same as they were in 1787. Ironically, the world is flat again.

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Great post. I agree that we [as a society] have fallen into a precarious situation, screaming for change without a clue as to what change that is. I'm also fearful. It seems all we're succeeding in is swinging the pendulum from far left to the far right with no one realizing where the middle is until it's too late. It's going to be an interesting ride, for sure.

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Our society has come to down to immorality, disrespect to our forefathers. The United States of American is a democracy that is slowly turning into a fascist, socialist country. People in our country (like most of Hollywood) have become so liberal in their ways of living that this day in age is looking like the 1960's and 1970's all over again. It is true the History repeats itself but our society today refuses to learn from our mistakes. Like closing Gitmo is going to be the biggest mistake this new Administration will make. I have personally sent some of those terrorist to Gitmo because they have nothing but hate and discontent for our country and western lifestyles. No matter whether you are conservative or liberal they hate us with a passion.

    Jennifer, I couldn't agree with you more. I am fearing what the future holds for our country now that we have a Government that's slowly slipping towards Fascism and Socialism soon going to turn to Communism with an American touch to it.

  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I have some typo's in my last post so please ignore. I was typing to fast...haha

  7. Anonymous10:57 PM

    ANON said:
    "I have personally sent some of those terrorist to Gitmo because they have nothing but hate and discontent for our country and western lifestyles."

    Then you won't be opposed to these "terrorists" having a case brought against them so they can be correctly convicted and prosecuted for their crime of terrorism.

    That's going to be a little tricky after the torture thing isn't it?

    And the trouble is, too many times we have locked up people who were simply turned in by others who wanted to collect a reward. Locking up such people without due process is unamerican and a disgrace.

    Consider seeing the documentary: Taxi to the Dark Side.

    Then let us know what you think after you have learned something new.

    When you give up your principles, the terrorists win and you really lose the strength and glory of your country, by your own hand.

    These comments about "Fascism and Socialism soon going to turn to Communism" are clearly made by someone who doesn't understand the meaning of these words.

    Recommendation: learn the meanings of words *before* you toss them around.


  8. Closing Gitmo is a joke....really..
